So my plan is to learn Toki Pona. Toki pona isn't a hard language to learn, it only consists of 120 words, so this should be a fairly nice journey that isn't to frustrating. Other languages are quite cumbersome, as you need to learn many words in order to even do the most basic things.
1. Toki Pona 1.1. resources 1.2. the language itself 1.2.1. vowels 1.2.2. consonants 1.2.3. grammar 1.2.4. nouns 1.2.5. adjectives 1.2.6. verbs 1.2.7. abstractions 1.3. words 1.3.1. a (emphasis) 1.3.2. akesi (lizard) 1.3.3. ala (no) 1.3.4. alasa (hunt) 1.3.5. ale (all) 1.3.6. anpa (low) 1.3.7. ante (different) 1.3.8. anu (or) 1.3.9. awen (keep) 1.3.10. e (object) 1.3.11. en (and) 1.3.12. esun (shop) 1.3.13. ijo (thing) 1.3.14. ike (bad) 1.3.15. ilo (tool) 1.3.16. insa (inside) 1.3.17. jaki (dirty) 1.3.18. jan (person) 1.3.19. jelo (yellow) 1.3.20. jo (have) 1.3.21. kala (fish) 1.3.22. kalama (sound) 1.3.23. kama (come) 1.3.24. kasi (plant) 1.3.25. ken (can) 1.3.26. kepeken (use) 1.3.27. kili (fruit) 1.3.28. kiwen (rock) 1.3.29. ko (paste) 1.3.30. kon (air) 1.3.31. kule (color) 1.3.32. kulupu (group) 1.3.33. kute (hear) 1.3.34. la (context) 1.3.35. lape (sleep) 1.3.36. laso (green) 1.3.37. lawa (head) 1.3.38. len (cloth) 1.3.39. lete (cold) 1.3.40. li (predicate) 1.3.41. lili (small) 1.3.42. linja (line) 1.3.43. lipu (paper) 1.3.44. loje (red) 1.3.45. lon (at) 1.3.46. luka (hand) 1.3.47. lukin (see) 1.3.48. lupa (hole) 1.3.49. ma (land) 1.3.50. mama (parent) 1.3.51. mani (money) 1.3.52. meli (woman) 1.3.53. mi (me) 1.3.54. mije (man) 1.3.55. moku (eat) 1.3.56. moli (dead) 1.3.57. monsi (back) 1.3.58. mu (meow) 1.3.59. mun (moon) 1.3.60. musi (play) 1.3.61. mute (many) 1.3.62. nanpa (number) 1.3.63. nasa (strange) 1.3.64. nasin (way) 1.3.65. nena (mountain) 1.3.66. ni (this) 1.3.67. nimi (name) 1.3.68. noka (foot) 1.3.69. o (command) 1.3.70. olin (love) 1.3.71. ona (it) 1.3.72. open (open) 1.3.73. pakala (break) 1.3.74. pali (do) 1.3.75. palisa (stick) 1.3.76. pan (food) 1.3.77. pana (give) 1.3.78. pi (of) 1.3.79. pilin (feel) 1.3.80. pimeja (black) 1.3.81. pini (end) 1.3.82. pipi (bug) 1.3.83. poka (near) 1.3.84. poki (container) 1.3.85. pona (good) 1.3.86. pu (the book) 1.3.87. sama (same) 1.3.88. seli (fire) 1.3.89. senlo (skin) 1.3.90. seme (what) 1.3.91. sewi (high) 1.3.92. sijelo (form) 1.3.93. sike (circle) 1.3.94. sin (new) 1.3.95. sina (you) 1.3.96. sinpin (face) 1.3.97. sitelen (picture) 1.3.98. sona (know) 1.3.99. soweli (animal) 1.3.100. suli (big) 1.3.101. suno (sun) 1.3.102. supa (table) 1.3.103. suwi (sweet) 1.3.104. tan (from) 1.3.105. taso (butt) 1.3.106. tawa (to) 1.3.107. telo (water) 1.3.108. tempo (time) 1.3.109. toki (talk) 1.3.110. tomo (house) 1.3.111. tu (two) 1.3.112. unpa (sex) 1.3.113. uta (mouth) 1.3.114. utala (fight) 1.3.115. whalo (white) 1.3.116. wan (one) 1.3.117. waso (bird) 1.3.118. wawa (strong) 1.3.119. weka (away) 1.3.120. wile (want)
- - 12 part video playlist (about 3 min. / episode) - cheatsheet made by blinry. - toki pona words ranked
a e i o u
p t k m n s l w j
ijo thing, something, being jan person, human kili fruit vegetable lipu document meli woman, female ni this, that soweli animal, land mammal lipu book telo water, liquid tomo house, building, room mi i, me, we mije man, male sina you kulupu community
lili little pona good, simple, friendly suli big sin another, new, fresh wawa strong, confident, dependable
(can all be nouns as well, displayed in () behind the description) (can all be adjectives as well, displayed in () behind the description) jo to have, contain, carry kute to listen, obey moku to eat, drink (something to eat) pali to make, do, work on sona to know toki to talk, speak, communicate (language)
ocean "telo suli" "big water"
I'm going to list all words here, so I can write down some common combination. The words are extracted from this image.
"akesi suli": "big lizard"
"alasa akesi": "hunt lizard"
emile - 1738659145.014414s - generated using vokobe "0.1.3"